While home mole removal procedures will often work and can be very cost effective, there are potential hazards associated with DIY mole eradication techniques. Here are a few hazards of home mole removal:
A mole will not respond to home remedies if it has progressed to cancerous or precancerous stage. Chopping off the mole with string or using another removal process, will not cure you of skin cancer. In fact, it could make it worse or can delay the a correct diagnosis of the condition. And that can be life threatening. If a mole is regular, changes shape or looks unusual, be sure to have it checked by your doctor.
Nasty cut
Not only is self surgery painful, but one wrong move and you could cut yourself badly. And cutting too deeply or in the wrong place can result in an emergency room visit. our neck is particularly vulnerable where there are arteries that are fairly close to the surface of the skin. Nick one of those large blood vessels and you can find yourself in very big trouble.
If you do not clean the tools, the mole itself, and the skin around the mole, when conducting a home remedy, you could cause an infection. This can lead to inflammation, soreness, and a visit to the doctor anyway, not to mention requiring more out of pocket costs, and the related discomfort.
Painful procedures
Cutting and scraping procedures can be painful. And you cannot legally acquire local anesthetics. Skin numbing creams are available over the counter or on Amazon but they will not help if you cause yourself some serious pain.
While no mole removal technique can guarantee scar-free skin, you have a better chance of a smaller or no scar, if you have a doctor remove your mole. Home removal can leave your skin badly marked, and that defeats the intention of the mole removal in the first place. No one wants to trade an ugly mole for an ugly scar.
Funniest pop culture reference to a mole: Austin Powers’ movie
Maybe the ultimate mole removal reference in a movie is from the Austin Powers movie Goldmember. Watch the Austin Powers mole reference here from the movie Goldmember. It is hilariously funny and will make you feel better about your own moles, skin tags or blemishes:
Here is the transcript of the Austin Powers mole scene
Austin Powers: Excellent Basil, we’ve been trying for years to get a mole inside Dr. Evil’s lair, we now have that mole. Basil:: Yes! Ah, and here he is. Austin Powers: So you’re the [zoom up on the mole’s mole] mo-o-ole, mo-o-o-le… Foxxy and Austin: Mo-ost, most, most excellent agent we’ve ever seen. Austin Powers: Yes, most excellent agent we’ve ever seen. Foxxy: Mm-hmmm Austin Powers: (quietly to Foxxy) Thank you. Mole: Thank you. Now, I wasn’t able to get an exact location, but I did learn that Dr. Evil has moved to a new lair outside of Tokyo, Japan……By the way, I realize that I have a large mole on my face. Austin Powers: Where??? (nervously laughs) What? Where’s that mole? I… didn’t see one. Mole: I also realize the irony that I am myself…a mole. Austin Powers: (nervously) No one would make that connection. Basil: (to the Mole) Anyway, well done, old chap. Jolly good work. Austin Powers: Yes, nice to mole you–meet you! Nice to meet your mole! Don’t say mole. Foxxy: Stop. Austin Powers: I said mole. Foxxy: Stop! Mole: Bye. Austin Powers: Mole.
(Basil and the Mole walk to the elevator.) Austin Powers: Mo-ole… (Basil raises index finger, face indicating “that’s enough.”) Mole! Basil: (irritated) Oh, shut up! Austin Powers: Moley-moley-moley-moley-moley!
I do wonder if Austin has ADHD watching this scene. See the entire Goldmember movie trailer…click here
What makes a cute mole? These mole-toting celebs define beauty
Not everyone wants to remove their moles. In fact some regard moles as beauty marks. If you are looking for examples of what may be considered cute moles, then the list below, that features beautiful women with prominent moles, will help. The prominent moles enhance their beauty and are considered not only cute, but very an iconic part of their beauty.
In many cases the moles, also referred to as a beauty marks, have iconic status in pop culture, and are almost as famous as their owners.
Cindy Crawford’s famous moles (click to see a larger version)
Cindy Crawford – Cindy Crawford made her name as a supermodel on 1980s fashion runways. Her mole has become part of her signature look and is one of the most famous beauty marks on camera ever. Her sister once encouraged her to eradicate her famous mole, but her mother convinced her to keep it, and leave it for the world to see. Read about Cindy’s life and career in her book: Becoming. A great read to be sure!
Marilyn Monroe – Marilyn Monroe’s facial mole – on her left lower cheek, is perhaps the most famous mole of all time rivalling Cindy Crawford’s mark. Besides Marilyn’s stunning looks, voluptuous figure and cascade of blonde hair, the small dark dot was one of her most defining beauty traits.
Marilyn Monroe’s iconic mole (click to enlarge)Kate Upton’s dainty mole
Kate Upton – Kate is another astonishing beauty who has graced the fashion runway as well as the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue and the big and small screen. Her moles are less prominent, but she is a classic case of someone who has cute moles, especially the petite one above her lip below .
Mariah is not shy to show off her cute mole
Mariah Carey – Mariah is known for her big voice. Her great beauty is part of her fame, complete with moles of course!
Khloe Kardashian – This Kardashian cutie is not shy in showing off a few moles here and there with her revealing fashion and plunging necklines, revealing her beauty marks on dotting her chest.
Rachel McAdams famous moles
Rachel McAdams – You know Rachel McAdams from movies such as Mean Girls, The Notebook, and Spotlight. The stunning actress has both face and neck moles. Of note is a prominent mole on her left cheek near her ear and on her chin. And a twin set on her neck.
Angelina Jolie: When you think of Angelina Jolie, you may not think of her right eyebrow mole, but it is a key part of her look. Once you notice it, you realize how cute the mole really is. Some have called it an eyebrow accent. We like to call it beauty punctuation.
What defines a cute mole
If you study the faces of beautiful women that sport moles, typically the moles have some ke traits that makes them cute. Here are a few descriptors that define famous moles as “cute” or “beautiful”.
Uniform color
Cute moles often have a uniform color and are often enhanced with makeup to highlight the clear skin around them and their prominence that punctuates the face they adorn.
Uniform shape
Round or mostly oval moles seem to be considered cuter than misshapen ones. Curvy is a ke part of beaut and and nicely round or curved mole seems to fit the bill.
Striking placement
Angelina’s eyebrow mole and Cindy’s cheek mole that is just offset from her lips seems to draw the eye and is consider a true mark of beauty.
Smaller size
Cute moles are usually smaller in nature, with all due respect to Cindy Crawford.
Raised versus flat
Raised moles have personality, but a curved bump is preferred over a shrivelly raised raisin style mole.
Hairless mole
No one likes a hairy mole, so cute moles tend to be hairless and manicured. Hairy moles tend to develop as people age and so are associated with age. That is not to say that there is no beauty in aging, however keeping a mole hairless seems to be a requirement to keep a mole defined as cute.
How to remove an uncute facial mole
If you want to rid yourself of a mole that you consider unsightly then mole removal by a doctor, especially removing a mole on the face, the best and safest option. ou want to minimize permanent or significant scarring.
After you have removed a mole, whether at home or via a doctor’s procedure, here are some recommended steps to take after the mole is gone to help or skin heal.
This is common mole removal aftercare that helps healing:
Wash our faces and shower normally the day after the mole is removed. Dab the site of the mole dry.
Next 1 to 2 weeks
Apply a light application of vaseline on the damaged skin twice per day over the next 7 to 14 days.
Next 12 months
It is also important to apply sunscreen if you expose it to the sun for the next year. Avoid sunbeds also.
What to expect after mole removal with a laser:
Here are some issues to be aware of for mole removal aftercare, when a laser therapy has been used.
Expect the treated area to feel like a sunburn for several hours. Use a cold compress or cold water spray. You might see redness or slight bleeding in the area for up to a week.
What to avoid
Avoid bathing with very hot water. Do not engage in strenuous exercise. Do not have a massage p to to 3 days after laser treatment.
Wash the next morning with a mild cleanser such as Cetaphil. Use it cleanser for the duration of healing. Don’t use skin scrubs or irritants (Retin-A or Benzoyl Peroxide, astringents). Your skin always should be patted dry, not rubbed in an manner.
Apply Aquaphor on the treated area several times each day to keep the skin moisturized. Apply Aquaphor before bedtime. Starting on the fourth day after the procedure use a warm wash cloth gently to remove any ointment. Never scrub the area. Avoid moisturizers, lotions, serums, liquid sunscreens, and the like for up to seven days.
Avoid makeup:
Do not use makeup for five days after treatment.
Avoid the Sun Exposure:
Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 30 to 60 days after treatment.
Do not smoke
Do not smoke for 48 hours prior to and 7 days after the treatment. Healing time might take longer.
See your doctor for advice around any medications. Do not stop medication of other issues unless you have been told so by our physician.
Other tips:
Avoid tweezing, waxing, bleaching and chemical peels during healing.
While home mole removal procedures will often work and can be very cost effective, there are potential hazards associated with DIY mole eradication techniques. Here are a few hazards of home mole removal: Unresponsive moles A mole will not respond to home remedies if it has progressed to cancerous or precancerous stage. Chopping off the mole …
Funniest pop culture reference to a mole: Austin Powers’ movie Maybe the ultimate mole removal reference in a movie is from the Austin Powers movie Goldmember. Watch the Austin Powers mole reference here from the movie Goldmember. It is hilariously funny and will make you feel better about your own moles, skin tags or blemishes: …
Review these mole removal videos produced by dermatologists Here are some fascinating, scary and sometimes shocking mole removal videos found on the web that show how doctors remove moles using surgery. The include fairly common procedures as well as newer mole removal techniques include one with a laser. Mole removal surgery with stitches Mole …
What makes a cute mole? These mole-toting celebs define beauty Not everyone wants to remove their moles. In fact some regard moles as beauty marks. If you are looking for examples of what may be considered cute moles, then the list below, that features beautiful women with prominent moles, will help. The prominent moles enhance …
After you have removed a mole, whether at home or via a doctor’s procedure, here are some recommended steps to take after the mole is gone to help or skin heal. This is common mole removal aftercare that helps healing: Next day Wash our faces and shower normally the day after the mole is removed. …